Cedar Tree - Dallas PD - White Rock Lake

If you act like you know what you’re doing, no one ever asks any questions.

Driving around the White Rock Lake area a few weeks after the June 9, 2019 storm, I spotted a downed Cedar tree in a small field. That field was on Audelia Road, just north of Northwest Hwy in Dallas. Also known as the Dallas Police Station Northeast Division.

I scouted it out for a while and it seemed like I could ask for forgiveness if needed. I always try to say hello to the homeowner and make sure that I can pick up their downed tree. Avoiding the bureaucracy with this situation seemed like the fastest, most efficient solution.

I pulled up my wife’s SUV and began slabbing up the big Cedar tree. I was there a few hours and in that time there were at least 100 police officers who drove in and out of the long driveway - about 30 yards away - at the beginning or end of their shift. Each one slowed down and looked. Some rolled down their windows. But no one said a word. I just kept the chainsaw going and played it cool.

When I was almost done, a City of Dallas box truck pulled up. I kept going. Out came 3-4 workers who were cleaning up some other debris on the property. I gave them a nod and a wave and kept going. I ended up getting the entire trunk of the tree - about 12ft long in total.

My original vision for one piece was a standing outdoor bar, but I never found the right customer for that. Over time, I’ve cut these into smaller portions that have been used for indoor end tables, but I’ve still got a 7ft section left intact for my original plan.

Again…if you act like you know what you’re doing, no one ever asks any questions.